Descendants of at least two of the men (who gave their lives in the Great War) will be in attendance, joined by Brooklyn Parks Commissioner Kevin Jeffrey, Borough President Eric Adams, Col. Joseph Davidson of the U.S. Army, and representatives of the George P. Davis Post No. 116 of the American Legion and Auxiliary.
Here follows a list of the 105 men and one woman whose names appear on the honor rolls flanking the statue. They were all from the neighborhood. They all gave their lives in service to their country.
George Albrecht
William Banscher
Edward J. Bell
Harold Benson
Harry S. Bowyer
Edward C. Brennan
Joseph A. Brunner
Francis J. Buckley
Arthur J. Burgh
J. Edgar Burling
Robert F. Carrie
James C. Clark
Jesus Clemente
Joseph A. Collopy
Hedley H. Cooper
Frank E. Cortes
Thomas Cross
Leonard Dalton
Frank E. Discher
Frederick C. Dose
John F. Dowd
Elmer D. Edwards
George H. Edwards
Charles D. Elson
Edgar H. Fessenden
James E. Fitzpatrick
John J. Fitzpatrick
Frank A. Gaffney
Anthony Galgano
George E. Gilbert
James T. Greene
Evan F. Gustafson
Walter C. Haeuser
Frederick Haupt
Thomas F. Herron
Raymond D. Hill
Frank E. Hillenbrand
Charles S. Hilton
Arthur V. Holdsworth
Thomas B. Hurley
James D. Irwin
Gordon W. Johnson
Arthur P. Jones
James Keely
Thomas A. Kehoe
Arthur C. Kimber
Alfred R. Kipling
Louis E. Kothe
Henry Krause
Charles C. Krider
John A. Lahert
Harry A. Langan
Thomas Logue
Pasquale Lucca
Walter J. McCormick
James McGrath
John V. Mallon
Fred W. Marquart
Harold J. Martin
Albert G. Mason
Rudolph Mathis, Jr.
Raymond W. Mayer
Herbert W. Merschoff
John E. Meyer
Irwin Minzesheimer
Walter Murray
Howard B. Neal
Louis W. Nigro
George C. Nussberger
John F. O’Brien
Charles O. Olsen
Lillian M. Patterson
Arthur W. Picard
Benjamin Purificato
Samuel J. Reid, Jr.
John C. Ritter
Andrew W. Rolff
Walter Rosenspire
Edwin V. Ruoff
Edward J. Saunders
James V. Sause
Saul Schanninger
George T. Scheidemantel
Harry C. Scheper
Robert H. Scott
Louis F. Seeli
Herman Selner
Frank A. Seydel
Charles G. Shelton
Harry L. Shillington
Nicholas J. Smith
Thomas E. Sobeck
William T. Soden
Budd R. Somers
Harold L. Starrett
Henry J. Stich
Henry Stumpf
Arthur J. Sullivan
Douglas S. Thompson
James Tobin
Louis J. Torrey
Gaetano Umina
Harold F. Unbehaun
Archibald R. Walker
William F. Weeks
Rufus A. Williams